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Potency Level: Moderate

Difficulty Level: Easy

Species: Psilocybe Cubensis


The B+ is a popular and widely cultivated strain of Psilocybe Cubensis and gained popularity among cultivators for its robust growth, relatively high potency, and large, golden to caramel-colored caps. It is one of the most cultivated strains of Psilocybe cubensis due to its resilience and ability to produce abundant fruiting bodies under a variety of growing conditions.


IMPORTANT: This is a liquid culture, not a spore syringe. Liquid cultures accelerate mycelium growth which will allow you to harvest in just 4-5 weeks while spore syringes take 10 weeks to complete the growth cycle.  This is because a spore syringe contains dormant spores while a liquid culture syringe contains living, active mycelium.  More importantly, they have a much higher success rate and the potential for contamination is immensely lower than that of a spore syringe.

B+ Liquid Culture Syringe

SKU: LC-386548
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